
#Z087_Taq antibody

#Z087_Taq antibody

Taq antibody is a monoclonal antibody that binds Taq DNA polymerase and inhibits its activity until reaction temperature is elevated.
  • taq Ab vs others.png
  • taq Ab.png

#Z087. Taq antibody

A. Description

  • Taq antibody is a monoclonal antibody that binds Taq DNA polymerase and inhibits its activity until reaction temperature is elevated. At that point, the Taq antibody is denatured and releases its hold on Taq DNA polymerase, allowing DNA synthesis to proceed. The binding of the Taq antibody to Taq DNA polymerase is the premise of hot-start PCR.
  • It is used in the preparation of hot-start PCR or qPCR master mixes and helps to prevent nonspecific amplification and primer-dimer formation, increasing specificity and sensitivity while allowing assembly of reactions at ambient temperatures. At the first denaturation step of the thermal cycling, the antibody is quickly inactivated and PCR proceeds. The antibody-mediated hot start method is significantly more convenient to use than other hot start methods.
B. Features
  • Enhances the specificity and sensitivity of PCR.
  • Can be used when other hot start methods are difficult to perform (e.g. capillary PCR).
  • The polymerase can be reactivated quicker than with methods utilizing a chemically modified polymerase.

C. Quality Control

After multiple column purifications, only a clear single target band was visible in SDS-PAGE gel detection, and the purity is 95%; the test showed no RNase, endonuclease or exonuclease contamination.

D. Storage -20℃.

E. Components
Component Z087-01A Z087-01B Z087-M001 Z087-M200 Z087-HC01-M001 Z087-HC02-M001
Taq antibody (5U/μl) 50μl 50μl×5 1ml 200ml - -
Taq antibody (20U/μl) - - - - 1ml -
Taq antibody (40U/μl) - - - - - 1ml
Catalog Number Product Name
Z087 Taq antibody
Z087-03 Taq antibody (Glycerol-Free)
F. ctivity Definition
The amount of Taq antibody required to inhibit more than 95% of 1U Taq DNA polymerase activity at 55℃ for 30min is defined as 1U.
  • Mix Taq DNA polymerase and Taq antibody with the same volume, and place it at 20-25℃ for about 30min.
  • The PCR reaction according to various PCR reaction conditions of Taq DNA polymerase. It is confirmed by experiments that Taq antibody can be used in conjunction with Taq DNA polymerase (Cat# E001) and the recommended ratio is 1U : 1U.
H. Related Products
Cat# Product Names
E001 Taq DNA Polymerase
E063 Heat-labile Uracil-DNA Glycosylase
E060 Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG)
E108 HotStart Tth DNA Polymerase
M001 T4 DNA Ligase
M005 T4 DNA Polymerase
M007 Exonuclease III
E097 HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase (B)
E017. HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase
M031 Thermostable Inorganic Pyrophosphatase
E127 DNase I
E125 Recombinant RNase Inhibitor (Murine)
E086-YSAA 5×Multiplex PCR Mix